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Lisbon Story 1994–2024

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    Daniel Demmel
    Software engineer with
    19 years professional

This year we visited Lisbon, partially inspired by the pictures from Wim Wenders's Lisbon Story.

Amazingly, it's been filmed pretty much exactly 30 years before our visit, so like any normal film nerd, we decided to take some screenshots of the film, save them on the phone, and try to identify them as we walk around and explore the city.

This endeavour was helped a lot by finding a walking trail someone shared.

It was impossible to properly recreate the shots with our phone cameras, not only because of the film grain, but very different (I think longer) lens and possibly yellow filter. Also, the time of the day was often quite different too and maybe even the season. So we didn't try to overdo it to perfection, but I think it's still fun to see them as diptychs and I tried to line up at least one element in each pair.

Other than a few trees gone and a bunch of mobile phone antennas having replaced analog TV ones, the old town hasn't changed much at all.

Diptych showing old and current day Lisbon 1

So many buildings stayed the same next to the old aquaduct.

Diptych showing old and current day Lisbon 2

These boys are having too much fun!

Diptych showing old and current day Lisbon 3

Glad I didn't have a broken leg on these stairs...

Diptych showing old and current day Lisbon 4

I particularly like the contrast in this photo with the group of tourists taking a photo of themselves and a massive ocean liner in the background, what a difference!

Diptych showing old and current day Lisbon 5

The Paris Cinema is just a ruin today with most of its façade features gone, but the building is still there.

Diptych showing old and current day Lisbon 6